June 7th 1955 - January 25th 2012
Romans 10:9-13
New International Version (NIV)
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Dear Fans, I would like to thank all who sent prays to Mark as he gallantly gave his all in this fight, be assured I read to him daily your thoughts, kind words and prays at his bed side.
This was a very hard road for all, but a lot of good signs came not only to myself but to many who where very close to Mark. God was truly talking to many of us, like when I showed Frank why I really was sold on this place for Mark.Dear Fans, I would like to thank all who sent prays to Mark as he gallantly gave his all in this fight, be assured I read to him daily your thoughts, kind words and prays at his bed side.

Or when we where in the hotel and just turned on Pandora radio and Warrior just started when we turned it on Wednesday night after the diner at Littlie Italy. But the one that gets me is that I called Flyntz shortly after Mark’s passing, but he was on the ocean when I called and after that he could not use the phone again? Others had assuring dreams that Mark is in a great place, this is not all just a coincidence in my mind. An old saying goes like this, “Make time for the quiet moments as GOD whispers and the world is loud.” I can hear very clearly that my brother is safe.
I thought it would be nice to post a few pics of the church where Mark’s MASS took place, many of you are over sea’s and of course could not make it, so here’s a few photos in remembrance of Mark.

This is where my brother rest in San Antonio Texas, a place Mark truly loved and planned on moving his father here to enjoy great sunny weather he so loved.

Mark loved and had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ his savior. It’s truly a nice place to visit and I encourage you to.

This is where my brother rest, under a nice tree to give him some shade from all the sunshine. It gets hot here that's for sure, but Mark loved it.

My brothers view, thanks be to GOD!

In keeping with Italian traditions, I though it would be nice to have a table of 20 reserved at what I think is the closest to New York Italian food and I highly recommend Littlie Italy here in San Antonio. Tell Dominic Mr. Reale & Damon sent you! True Italian cooking, don’t forget desert!

father, like son!

Taking the time to talk to a friend of Mark's!

Shin On! Mr. Reale!
Family, thank you Mark Reale.

I would also like to say thank you to all who have donated to Mark's funds, it has helped a lot. Mr. Reale has started to receive medical bills from the doctors and other expenses, if you would like to still help out with theses astronomical expense you may do so by clicking onto the Official Donation link located at the top right of every page here at Mark’s official web site. All proceeds go to Mr. Reale’s account via paypal.
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