Dear, Friends,
Thanks to Phil, Kent and his wife for coming out to the grass planting at Mark’s grave site. Look's really good now and there’s a water faucet very close to keep it green, you know I’ll be there! I’ll be posting the fund raising info very soon, just getting all the info together now but ALL will be able to take part if desired.
 This will be an “Annual Fundraising Campaign” for Mark, you maybe asking why? Well this will help keep stuff like fresh flowers at Mark’s grave site on a monthly basis. At the cemetery they pick up everything at each grave site every 30 days, this help’s keep trash, old dried out flowers and other stuff from making the cemetery look unkempt. Therefore we will be buying flowers every month and placing them at Mark’s grave site. Also the ‘Eternal Candle’ that burns in the mausoleum at Holy Cross Cemetery, this feature can be purchased for one, two or three years at at time and will burn 24 hours a day 365 days a year for as long as we keep the account in good standings. The candle will have a plaque below it with Mark’s full name engraved into it, so this is why I will be holding this “Annual Fundraising Campaign” for Mark, for ALL to be a part of his legacy.
more coming soon!
6th Member/webmaster
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